PPGB Dog Walk 2023 by Purdey B (Hayley Breen)
at Canine Countryside Escapes
It started as a typical Sunday, a little lie in and then into the car heading off for our walk.
Despite my humans telling me what a fun day was ahead, I didn’t realise just how much fun
was in store. Chopped Liver, that’s my strict human, was saying something about it being
great that the field was enclosed, so I couldn’t just run off and completely ignore the whistle, or in fact any training I’ve had for the past five & half years. She also said something about my other human being too soft with me but I completely tuned out to that as he is my favourite.
I laid down and went into standby mode on the motorway but as soon as we
came off I was up and sniffing all the new smells around me. I love seeing new places and
get really excited. I was desperate to say hello to the horses we drove past but we didn’t
stop so I barked a quick hello as we went.
Next thing I knew we were parking up next a large enclosed field and best of all it contained my breed. Yes I wasn’t the only PP amongst the usual other breeds at the park. I was amongst my tribe! In fairness I am a similar colour to a Vizsla but there are only so many times you can be called a chubby Vizsla or Boxer/Lab cross without wanting to bark in their faces I am a Portuguese Pointer for goodness sake..
First things first I wanted to introduce myself to each and every human, this is something I
always like to do wherever I go. After all they have specifically come to see me, well that’s
what I think, so it’s only polite to give each one a little bum wiggle.
Human introductions over it was time to meet my fellow PPs. I was a little shy at first but
after a good sniff I realised I was amongst friends and soon became confident enough to say hello to everyone. I can be a little choosy who I socialise with and I’m usually in work/hunt mode when out but these were a good bunch. I imagine it was great for the humans to see 15 high energy PP’s charging around together.
The next hour or two was just a happy blur of socialising, running and sniffing. I’m confident
in saying that I inspected and sniffed every inch of the field. I kept a good eye on which
humans had treats. I wasn’t shy in using my ‘Please’ face and miraculously appeared at
their sides.
Then all too quickly it was time to go home. We all said our goodbyes and bundled back
into our cars. I’d had a thoroughly lovely time and settled happily onto my bed in the boot.
My humans also seemed happy, I think the tea & cake helped with that.
It was a great afternoon and I’m not surprised we have the PPGB Club, after all who
wouldn’t be a fan of us.